Friday, February 20, 2009

Group Games

Here are some games that I've played before that I want to remember. Keep in mind that kids games can be just as fun for adults you just have to get people that will get into it and enjoy it.

-Marshmallow Tag- A gallon size zip-lock bag for each player with a cup or two off flour and about 15 marshmallows. If you want to play teams wear different colors on you wrist. Also tell everyone to wear dark clothing so that you can see how many times they have been hit.
-Another variation is to cut up panty hose and fill with about 1/3c. of flour and tie. Keep picking them off the ground and re-useing them.

-Marker Tag- Same thing as above but instead tell everyone to bring old light (white is best)shirts. This time you write on others with crayola markers. Again teams members wear a certain color on their wrist or head.

-Tree Tag- Or in the Church they call it missionary tag. You can either play it standing up or laying down. Laying down is more fun but you might get rug burn or scraps on you. The gist of the game is kinda similar to duck-duck-goose as in you run around trying to tag the other person up. For this game it is preferable that you have at least 10 players. You stand (or lay) in a circle with a partner. Two will be standing and one will be chasing the other. The one that is being chased will run until he/she links arms with someone (or lays next to someone) the person opposing them has to then start running around the circle to avoid getting tagged. If they get tagged they reverse and now are the chaser.

-Water (or clothes) Relay- For school field day we all played water relay. You make up how you want to play. Some Examples are who's team can fill the bucket the fastest with just one sponge by passing it over your head. Or you can use a small cup to fill the bucket.
- Clothes Relay- My mom switched it up by putting (old) larger clothes (Larger than the kids playing) in baskets. You have to run to a the basket and put on three things (ex. pants, shirt, hat) and then run to the end. The next player runs when you get to them.

-Egg Balance- Just like a relay game but this time you will balance a egg on a spoon. You will have two teams competing. If the egg falls the player starts over. Preferably played outside since the egg will break. If you want to play with little children inside I have seen it played with pom-poms or cotton balls.

-Flour Penny- I don't really know the name of this game. I thought my mom had made it up but I recently seen pics of someone playing it on facebook. You put flour on a normal size plate to cover it two inches thick. Use another plate to flatten the top and place a penny in the middle. Taking turns each player cuts a chunk of flour until the penny falls. Once the penny falls the player that the penny fell on then has to pick up the penny with their mouth.

-Hand Game- Everyone lays on their stomaches in a circle, heads facing in. Link arms with you hands flat on the ground. You will start going clockwise tapping you had one hand after another. If anyone taps their had twice that means reverse (so now your going counter clockwise). If ony hand hesitates then that hand is out. The point of the game is to try to keep your hands in the game. You have to pay attention to when someone taps twice cause that is what will throw you off.

-Musical Tape- We have all played musical chairs as a kid. This is my moms version. Instead of chairs you use masking tape on the floor. For every player except one. When the music stops whoever isn't on the tape is out. Don't forget to tear a peice of tape off the floor.

-Bongo Ball Play normal baseball but with a different bat and ball. The bat is made of a sparklets container attached to a stick. Then use the same bouncy ball that you used to play four-square with.

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